Facebook Ads

Instructions how to connect your Facebook Ads data using Sellforte's connector

Written by Konsta Mustasilta
Updated over a week ago

1. Log in to Sellforte and navigate to Connectors

2. Choose Facebook Ads

3. Give name for the connector and choose configuration

Identifier is needed if you want to add another connector for the same source later. You can also leave this empty for the first connector.

Configuration has two options. If you need conversions from Facebook Ads, please choose "Include conversions". This is preferable for MMM, as we can use ad platform reported conversions in the model calibration.

4. Grant User Access and Authorize

Choose the first option "Grant User Access", and then authorize your Facebook Ads account.

To sync data, you need a Meta Business Management account with following:

  • ads_read permission to sync Ads report information for Ad accounts that you own or Ad accounts that you have been granted access to through this permission

  • ads_management permission to sync Ads accounts' metadata. This permission is also used to request the id and account_timezone fields of Ad accounts. The account_timezone field is required to save the correct report date in the destination

  • business_management permission to sync Business fields. Every field that starts with the business prefix will be skipped if this permission isn't granted

5. Run through the sync flow in Facebook

Giving access don't share your credentials or any other sensitive information. You will just allow Sellforte to fetch data from the chosen entities.

6. Choose specific ad accounts for sync

Please don't touch any other settings. We have a pre-built report already defined, called "facebook_ads" that have everything MMM needs. Please don't edit or remove that, or add any other reports.

7. Click Save & Test and you are forwarded back to Sellforte

You are ready! πŸŽ‰

Facebook Ads is connected and data is fetched automatically with correct MMM schema to Sellforte.

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