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All CollectionsUser Guides for SellforteMedia Optimizer
How to Setup Media Optimizer Scenarios?
How to Setup Media Optimizer Scenarios?
Written by Oskari Raunio
Updated over 2 months ago

After you have created or opened a Media Optimizer scenario, you can customize it further. The scenario will be created based on the choices you made during the creation process, but before you optimize the scenario, there is different customizations you can do.

Basic controls

In the upper right, you can see the basic controls.

  • From the pen icon, you can change the name of your scenario.

  • From the trash can, you can delete the scenario.

  • From the globe icon, you can publish your scenario to other team members. Read more here.

  • From the tick icon, you can close the scenario. The scenario is not deleted, it can be re-opened from the folder icon in the ribbon.

General controls

In the upper side there are also other general controls.

As you can see, you can't change the "Time period to optimize", "Reference time period" or "Group by" choices after the creation. If you would like to change those, please delete the current scenario and create a new one.

  • In the Total media spend to optimize field you can set your media budget. Optimizer automatically gives you a budget value based on reference period, but you can change that to match your real budget.

  • In baseline scenario drop-down button, you can give model an assumption, how much your baseline sales will grow compared to reference period.

  • In promo scenario drop-down button, you can give model an assumption, how much your promotion driven sales will grow compared to reference period.

Media investment budgets boundaries

In the lower side of the scenario view, you can set the budgets boundaries e.g. how much freedom you want to give for the model to optimize budgets compared to your reference time period.

As default, the toggles are set to match the values of the reference time period. As default, the boundaries will look something like this:

As the Optimizer takes the single number from the reference period, it will use "Single" setup. If you have predetermined budget to some specific channel, you can also use "Single" setting and place the number to the left hand field.

But as usually the purpose is to give freedom for the model to optimize, you can use the range setting, and define a range within which the model can optimize freely. Interval of the toggle starts from the zero and ends to the number of your total budget, but you can set the range as you wish. With the Full range button, you can give the full freedom for the model.

Budgets boundary quick selections

Now we understand the concept of budget boundaries. Instead of choosing the boundaries one by one, you can use quick selection buttons, that can be found from above the budget boundaries.

When you click quick selection button, Optimizer will apply the range in question for all medias. For example, if you click +/-10%, the model can then adjust the budget 10 percent higher or lower depending on what it sees best. Full range button means that model gets full freedom, but it must still remain within the overall budget if using Budget optimization mode.

When setting budget boundaries, you can also use Reset button to reset your choices to match reference value. You can also use multiple choice selection to apply reset or quick selections to certain channels.

NOTE: If you are modelling Email or SMS marketing, keep the budget boundary as it is for these channels. Because Email and SMS marketing generally doesn’t involve any actual media investment, it also can’t be scaled in the same way as other paid media channels. By fixing the investment, you can tell the model that scaling email or SMS marketing isn’t worth suggesting.

Optimize or Revert

When you have configured your scenario, you can click Optimize button. You can also use "Optimize all" button, if you have configured multiple scenarios and want to optimize them with one go.

When you have Optimized your scenario, you can analyse it in the right-hand side of the Optimizer. Read more about scenario analysis here.

If you make changes to scenarios after you have optimized them, you'll get this alert. If you are happy with your changes, click Optimize button again. If you would like to undo your changes and continue with the previous version, you can click Revert.

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